Well during the climax of the 2015 competition, Steve Harvey incorrectly read the card and awarded the wrong contestant the title of Miss Universe. Now imagine the implications of this mistake, they had to remove the crown from one beauty queen and place it upon the other as millions (minus me) were watching. Not to include the embarrassment of the countries and sponsors of the candidates involved. The competition as a whole lost credibility for some who regularly watch. And what about Mr. Harvey? The prestige and eloquence of this competition carries much responsibility, and during the climax of the competition was not a moment for such a mistake.
Two things, one Mr. Harvey owned up to his mistake and took full responsibility for it. This was very credible on his part, but one mistake his professional career will struggle from because of. Being a comedian, Harvey will probably cover this mistake with humor; however, it will not be forgotten by Miss Colombia.
ooo...you almost had it, ya gotta be quicker than that. |
Although Harvey's mistake will receive much media (as I am sure it already has) and be discussed, analyzed, and changes placed in the competition in order that such a mistake will never be repeated, let me remind you that God feels the same way about our sins, and He sent Jesus.