In light of the latest news regarding the Obama administrations transgender policy, there is a clear confusion regarding this issue by many that I have spoken to. Many concerns and confusions are centered around the legality of this policy and the magnitude in which this moral shift will eventually invade every home. Out of love and grace, let me say that the purpose of this post is not to speak Biblically to the issue; but rather, to provide information to the reader by clarifying the many terms of the transgender movement, while identifying the legal rights that are being infringed upon by our government.
For now, I am going to direct you to a post that accomplishes the above for us. Please click here to read the post by the ERLC of the SBC. This post provides clear definition of what is happening. Although this post contains occasional legal jargon that can be a bit confusing at times, all in all, the ERLC provides a simplistic understanding regarding the policy that many seem to be concerned with.
In future posts we will decipher what the churches responsibility is concerning the issue of transgender, while continuing to be salt and light within our home, church, community, and schools.